Earthquake insurance covers some of the losses and damage that earthquakes can cause to your business, home, belongings, and other buildings on your property. Click here to learn more and request a quote

Healthcare Offices and Providers

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Different insurance for different healthcare services

Physicians, nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors, lab technicians, and other healthcare providers share some common needs for insurance protection, even though there are differences in medical services provided. Professional Liability, sometimes called malpractice insurance, is a must, as is general liability insurance.

Insuring your building and equipment

If you own your own practice, you may need special insurance for expensive, high tech medical equipment. On the other hand, you may have liability insurance protection provided by your employer. It's important to note, in that case, that insurance carried by an employer is meant to protect the employer first, and the individual health care practitioner second. It would be wise to consider supplemental coverage for yourself.

In addition to the appropriate coverage limits and cost of insurance premium, other important considerations in a tailored health care provider insurance program include insurance protection for miscellaneous health care facilities (labs or allied health care providers, e.g.) and coverage for legal services related to state licensing board investigations.

Let's talk and put a proposal together for your healthcare practice.


Typical and Overlooked Insurance:

  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Cyber Liability Insurance
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance
  • Flood and Earthquake Insurance

Cost Factors:

  • Healthcare services provided
  • Number of healthcare practitioners
  • Payroll
  • Claim history
  • Policy elections (deductibles, e.g.)